Rule example, enforce IOS-XR router name

This is a very basic example of the compliance module of Netshot.

Let's assume you want your IOS-XR devices to be named xr0 to xr9. You can enforce this by adding a text rule.

  1. Go to the Compliance section.
  2. If you haven't created any policy yet, click on Create policy..., give it a name, and choose a device group the policy will apply to.
  3. Click on + (on the right of the policy) to add the rule.
  4. Give the rule a name, e.g. “XR device naming”, select Simple text rule and click Add.
  5. Click on Edit content and fill as shown in the picture below. You can test the rule on a selected device.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Don't forget to enable the rule by clicking on the wrench button and checking the Enabled box.

Rule, check name